Thursday, August 10, 2006

back to basics

i run a small email service provider (esp) and we offer hosted self serve or full service email marketing to clients.

somedays, you just have to step back and remember that not everyone has spent as much time working with email as you would imagine.

i am dealing with a new client now who has been having problems with their emails not getting delivered.

i started in explaining about SPF and spam filters and advanced whitelist tools - then i discovered they had not even had an opt out link in their emails.

in canada, you legally must have a simple unsubscribe method. they did not. worse, they did not know they needed one.

all that to say two things...

first, start with the basics. i assumed a level of knowledge and sophistication which did not exist.

second, the role of an esp is not only about delivering the technology but being a partner to navigate through the complexities of email marketing.


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